Monday, 22 April 2013

Ways To Reduce Fat Intake

The average American derives about 40 percent of his calories form fat and has an average daily cholesterol intake of approximately 600 mg. which is largely obtained from meat. Fat is widely distributed in foods, but cholesterol is found only in foods from animal sources, such as meat, dairy products, and eggs. Fat from plant sources is usually unsaturated (exceptions are coconut and palm oils), while that from animal sources is usually saturated. A vegetarian diet will naturally contain less saturated fat and less cholesterol than a meat based diet. However, if large amounts of even unsaturated fat are used in preparing food, it is possible to negate some of the advantages of a vegetarian diet.

Ways To Reduce Fat Intake
  • Avoid frying. Foods absorb oil while frying. Patties may be browned in the oven (turn to brown both sides.
  • Instead of sauteing onions or other vegetables, they may be steamed in a little water or soy sauce on low heat until tender.
  • Use nonstick pans.
  • Use a vegetable release coating.
  • Sprinkle cornmeal on the bottom of ungreased cookie sheets when browning patties or baking various breads.
  • White sauces or gravies may be made without fats or oil; mix flour with a small amount of the liquid, then add the paste to hot liquid (not boiling); stir vigorously to prevent lumping. (Mixing hint: put liquid in a small jar; add flour and immediately shake vigorously.)
  • Use low-fat milk, low-fat evaporated milk, and low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Reduce oil in recipes. A number of recipes in this blog use no oil; in those using oil the quantity should be considered mazimum, and in many recipes the oil may be further reduced, even omitted. Oil adds flavor, but each tablespoon of oil represents more than 100 calories. It should be noted, however, that deleting the fat may alter the flavor, texture, consistency, and moisture of the finished product.
  • Ground nuts may replace oil or fat in casseroles, soups, salad dressings, pie-crusts, et cetera. Nuts are concentrated and expensive and it is recommended to use them in a proportion or 1 part of nuts to 6 parts or more of the other ingredients.
What About Eggs?

Because eggs are high in cholesterol, some may wish to limit their use. You will find in this blog a number of recipes without eggs, even some that customarily use them. 

The cholesterol of an egg is found only in the yolk. It is possible to avoid this cholesterol by replacing one whole egg with 2 egg whites, 1 teaspoon oil, and 1 tablespoon nonfat milk stirred together gently.

Be creative! You can cut down fat and cholesterol to benefit your health and your waistline!

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