There are huge benefits for eating simple raw foods, particularly fruits and vegetables. With simple raw food recipes in vogue nowadays, restaurants have opened up serving only raw foods. One of these restaurants is known as Cafe Gratitude located in California. The cafe has published a cookbook titled, I Am Grateful: Recipes and Lifestyle of Cafe Gratitude
. All the recipes in this book are from raw ingredients.
While most people will find it extreme to go totally raw, there are huge benefits in including more raw foods in our diet. Raw foods are particularly helpful in providing the body with lots of vitamins, minerals and fiber which may be lost during the cooking process.
One way you can include raw food in your diet is by trying to eat a piece of fruit with your breakfast and another midway through the morning as a snack. You can also add lots of fresh chopped vegetables to your sandwich at lunch and some Greek yoghurt or salsa. In fact all fruits and most vegetables can be eaten raw.
Below is a video offering some simple raw food recipes, in particular healthy raw desserts..
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